Dear family and friends. Today I leave Chartres and head to st Jean at the foot of the Pyrenees where I will begin my walk to Roncevalles on Sunday, sept 12. I know it will be a challenging day because I begin at 200 metres go to 1600 then back down to 900. Also, other than taking walks around Chartres, I have not walked steep grades nor distances. However, I am hoping my enthusiasm and my trai
ing over the past months
will carry me through. This week in
Chartres has been a very special preparation too for this walk.
Lauren Artress gave us much history about Chartre over the week. Last night she called it a pilgrim church rather than a coronation church - marked by a different orientation of the doors of the cathedral. Also, being Marys church, it has no crucifixs only symbols of new life. The labyrinth which has been there since the 12th century has 272 stones(if I remember correctly)- the number of days gestation.
Another thing that struck me was that when they needed help and resources to build the church,
people of the community could haul stones from the quarry- but only if they had resolved differences with people in their lives.
The bodysoul component led by Mary Hamilton deepened the work. And those of you who know Marys work will understand how brilliant that can be.
Walking the labyrinth Thursday night really was beyond words. It was open only for us. The angels who work with Lauren lit 1000 candles which lit our way - the path of the pilgrims down into the crypt to our ladys chapel (a dark Madonna carved out of pear wood). Then we processed up to the labyrinth in that great cathedral. An ensemble from Paris sang and a man played a string instrument that looked like a mandolin. I had to keep pinching myself to realize this was real. It was truly extraordinary.
My companions during this week have been a very important part. Today we all go in different directions but they too have become part of my walk to Santiago. I know I walk for many.
So my friends. I will post this. connecting with Internet and this blog has been spotty, so I writing on my iPhone. I apologize for errors and I thank all of you who have helped me along the way. Two of my new friends travel with me to Paris which will be very good way of parting.
Till next time. Au revoir. Heather
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